Thursday, May 9, 2019

The "Irrelephants"

Hands down, my favorite animal is the elephant...for so many reasons. They are majestic and cute at the same time. They are social creatures who are both playful and helpful. They are powerful, yet possess hearts filled with tenderness.

Did you know that the collective noun for them is a Memory of Elephants? But do they ever feel like none of the other elephants remember them. Do they get mad at each other? Do they feel out of place, disconnected, ignored? It's hard to imagine, because it doesn't seem like they suffer the complications of life that people do.

If you have ever felt any of the above emotions, perhaps you feel that you are one of the "irrelephants." Maybe you feel that no one would even notice if you were not there, that your life is not relevant. 

First of all, God created you. In Genesis 1, after each of the days of God's handiwork, He saw that it was good. But after the 6th day, when He made man in His own image, He saw that it was very good. It was, and you are...very good in God's eyes.

Second, after the fall of man, when God had to provide the solution to our sin, He came to earth to be one of us. The Message says, in John 1:14, that "He moved into the neighborhood." He wants to be with us. That thought alone should negate any feeling of isolation that we might feel.

And third, Jeremiah 31:3 tells us these words, spoken by the God of the universe to the people of Israel: "I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have drawn you with loving kindness." 

God made you. He wants to be with you. He loves you beyond all imagining! That seems pretty relevant to me!

Photo by Richard Jacobs on Unsplash

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