Sunday, May 19, 2019

Cowardly Lyin'

Most of us, if pressed, would say that we do not lie. Here is the first definition of that word at

Lie   noun
  1. a false statement made        with deliberate intent to        deceive; an intentional          untruth; a falsehood.
  2. something intended or          serving to convey a              false impression;          

The primary meaning of cowardly is lacking courage.

To put those two together as a description would be to say that we make false statements because we lack courage. I think I might be willing to admit to doing that, with the exception that I don't think of my "false statements" as malicious. I think they are a way to protect myself from anyone thinking poorly of me.

Of course we want to give a good impression to the people we interact with daily. Of course we want to appear as if we are doing well, no problems here, I've got it all under control. Yep...I'm just fine, thanks for asking.

It takes great courage to admit to weakness in your life. My family is aware of most of my quirky habits, and loves me in spite of them. My kids know that I am a very tactile person. Since I was a little child I would play with the corners of things...books, tables, shoelaces, pillowcases. My fingers just love to "worry" the edges. I looked up this behavior on Google and discovered that there may be some degree of obsessive compulsiveness going on. That maybe stress is a contributing factor. That maybe I'm not perfect.

This is what the Psalmist thought about the importance of being honest: I know that you delight to set your truth deep in my spirit. So come into the hidden places of my heart and teach me wisdom. Psalm 51:6  (The Passion Translation)

We don't need to be afraid to admit to who we are. We do not need to fear that we are any less loved if imperfection mars our nature. Another of God's promises to us is, You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32

Image by Ian Lindsay from Pixabay


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Hannah! Your message on Sunday was soooo good. Your book needs to get finished and into the hands of your patiently waiting readers!
