Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Neigh-borly Advice

My church is an amazing environment in which to learn about being neighbors. We are set in the center of the city, and surrounded by the world. On any given Sunday there may be friends from up to 25 nations worshiping together. There isn't a dress code. People may come in shorts and flip-flops or in gloriously patterned traditional African clothing, or anywhere in between.  Not everyone speaks English (many are just beginning to learn), but there are lots who speak three, four, five, or more other languages.

I had an excellent learning opportunity the other day. One of the pastors was preparing for an event this summer and kept referring to it as a "Reach-out Picnic." Of course, I, in my great wisdom and proper word-smithing skills, kept wanting to change that to an "Outreach Picnic."  It was probably just a language-barrier thing, right? 

But as we spoke, I realized that his intentions were more organic than organizational. This group of believers wants to connect personally with any and all who are hungry for an introduction to the Living Lord, even if they may not quite realize it yet. They want to reach out, to extend the hand of hospitality. They truly want to be the hands and feet of Jesus. And we should follow their example.

Letters went out that day with a sincere invitation to a "Reach-out Picnic."

We may not all wear the same clothes, speak the same language, like the same foods, or worship in the same way, but we are neighbors. When Jesus was asked "Who is my neighbor?" He went on to describe the Samaritan man who went to great effort to reach out to someone in need. 

Be on the lookout for someone the Lord has placed in your life today who would be blessed by a reach-out encounter. Then go and be a neighbor.

Photo by Fabian Burghardt on Unsplash

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