Imagine a family of five children under 8 years of age. The oldest three are boys, each rambunctious and curious. Then an eagerly awaited daughter adds sweetness and gentleness to the mix. And very soon baby #5 will be here. What a blessing that will be, whether boy or girl.
Imagine the excitement on the part of all as mom and dad head to the hospital. Who will be coming home with them, another brother or another sister? They can hardly wait for the news about their new sibling.
Imagine the confusion and chaos that ensues when their dad comes home alone. Mom died. We can't take care of a baby without her. She went to live with someone else.
Imagine the added perplexity in those young hearts when, seven short months later their dad remarries, and brings into the family not only a new mom, but also an older sister. And soon the baby girl is brought home to live with them all.
The sanctuary of their home has been turned upside down. Tumult reigns as they try to reconcile all of these changes in such a short span of time. How desperately this family needs the grace of God to serve as a shield and protector for their souls and spirits.
Encouragement comes in the form of Jesus' words at the start of his ministry on earth. The Lord has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are comfort all who give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes...the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit...that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. (from Isaiah 61:1-4, ESV)
Thank you, Father, for transforming our pandemonium by your peace.
To the fatherless he is a father.
To the widow he is a champion friend.
To the lonely he makes them part of a family.
To the prisoners he leads into prosperity until they sing for joy.
This is our Holy God in his holy place! (Psalm 68:5-6 The Passion Translation)
Image by Finella S from Pixabay
I want to see God through the lens of His love for me. He is infinite and has so much to show the finite me. There is something new to discover about Him every day. Let's explore together.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Cowardly Lyin'
Most of us, if pressed, would say that we do not lie. Here is the first definition of that word at
Lie noun
1. a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
2. something intended or serving to convey a false impression;
Lie noun
1. a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
2. something intended or serving to convey a false impression;
The primary meaning of cowardly is lacking courage.
To put those two together as a description would be to say that we make false statements because we lack courage. I think I might be willing to admit to doing that, with the exception that I don't think of my "false statements" as malicious. I think they are a way to protect myself from anyone thinking poorly of me.
Of course we want to give a good impression to the people we interact with daily. Of course we want to appear as if we are doing well, no problems here, I've got it all under control. Yep...I'm just fine, thanks for asking.
It takes great courage to admit to weakness in your life. My family is aware of most of my quirky habits, and loves me in spite of them. My kids know that I am a very tactile person. Since I was a little child I would play with the corners of things...books, tables, shoelaces, pillowcases. My fingers just love to "worry" the edges. I looked up this behavior on Google and discovered that there may be some degree of obsessive compulsiveness going on. That maybe stress is a contributing factor. That maybe I'm not perfect.
This is what the Psalmist thought about the importance of being honest: I know that you delight to set your truth deep in my spirit. So come into the hidden places of my heart and teach me wisdom. Psalm 51:6 (The Passion Translation)
We don't need to be afraid to admit to who we are. We do not need to fear that we are any less loved if imperfection mars our nature. Another of God's promises to us is, You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32
Image by Ian Lindsay from Pixabay
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Neigh-borly Advice
I had an excellent learning opportunity the other day. One of the pastors was preparing for an event this summer and kept referring to it as a "Reach-out Picnic." Of course, I, in my great wisdom and proper word-smithing skills, kept wanting to change that to an "Outreach Picnic." It was probably just a language-barrier thing, right?
But as we spoke, I realized that his intentions were more organic than organizational. This group of believers wants to connect personally with any and all who are hungry for an introduction to the Living Lord, even if they may not quite realize it yet. They want to reach out, to extend the hand of hospitality. They truly want to be the hands and feet of Jesus. And we should follow their example.
Letters went out that day with a sincere invitation to a "Reach-out Picnic."
We may not all wear the same clothes, speak the same language, like the same foods, or worship in the same way, but we are neighbors. When Jesus was asked "Who is my neighbor?" He went on to describe the Samaritan man who went to great effort to reach out to someone in need.
Be on the lookout for someone the Lord has placed in your life today who would be blessed by a reach-out encounter. Then go and be a neighbor.
Photo by Fabian Burghardt on Unsplash
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Sometimes everything just seems to go wrong - all at once. The dishwasher breaks, you lose your house key, your car runs out of gas on the freeway, your best friend blows up at you over a silly argument, your dog gets sick all over the family room, someone in your family is diagnosed with cancer...
Life is challenging even on fairly normal days. But when the bumps in the road feel like you are driving across a piece of corrugated steel, what's a person to do?
Isaiah 41:10 reminds us of 5 really helpful things about God:
1. Fear not - I AM WITH YOU. (You are not alone in this difficulty.)
2. Don't be dismayed - I AM YOUR GOD. (I am bigger than your problems.)
3. I WILL STRENGTHEN YOU. (Draw on my reserves for the stamina you need.)
4. I WILL HELP YOU. (I am not going to leave you to struggle with this burden on your own.)
5. I WILL UPHOLD YOU with my righteous right hand. (I will carry you and support you when you feel you cannot continue any longer.)
God is not surprised at any of the circumstances by which we find ourselves surrounded. He is always close at hand to protect and to direct us through the maze of each difficulty we may face.
Image by Gidon Pico from Pixabay
Life is challenging even on fairly normal days. But when the bumps in the road feel like you are driving across a piece of corrugated steel, what's a person to do?
Isaiah 41:10 reminds us of 5 really helpful things about God:
1. Fear not - I AM WITH YOU. (You are not alone in this difficulty.)
2. Don't be dismayed - I AM YOUR GOD. (I am bigger than your problems.)
3. I WILL STRENGTHEN YOU. (Draw on my reserves for the stamina you need.)
4. I WILL HELP YOU. (I am not going to leave you to struggle with this burden on your own.)
5. I WILL UPHOLD YOU with my righteous right hand. (I will carry you and support you when you feel you cannot continue any longer.)
God is not surprised at any of the circumstances by which we find ourselves surrounded. He is always close at hand to protect and to direct us through the maze of each difficulty we may face.
Image by Gidon Pico from Pixabay
Thursday, May 9, 2019
The "Irrelephants"
Hands down, my favorite animal is the elephant...for so many reasons. They are majestic and cute at the same time. They are social creatures who are both playful and helpful. They are powerful, yet possess hearts filled with tenderness.
Did you know that the collective noun for them is a Memory of Elephants? But do they ever feel like none of the other elephants remember them. Do they get mad at each other? Do they feel out of place, disconnected, ignored? It's hard to imagine, because it doesn't seem like they suffer the complications of life that people do.
If you have ever felt any of the above emotions, perhaps you feel that you are one of the "irrelephants." Maybe you feel that no one would even notice if you were not there, that your life is not relevant.
First of all, God created you. In Genesis 1, after each of the days of God's handiwork, He saw that it was good. But after the 6th day, when He made man in His own image, He saw that it was very good. It was, and you are...very good in God's eyes.
Second, after the fall of man, when God had to provide the solution to our sin, He came to earth to be one of us. The Message says, in John 1:14, that "He moved into the neighborhood." He wants to be with us. That thought alone should negate any feeling of isolation that we might feel.
And third, Jeremiah 31:3 tells us these words, spoken by the God of the universe to the people of Israel: "I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have drawn you with loving kindness."
God made you. He wants to be with you. He loves you beyond all imagining! That seems pretty relevant to me!
Photo by Richard Jacobs on Unsplash
Choosing my Name
In all of the assessments I have taken over the years (personality, motivational, spiritual gifts), I score very high in the area of service. I'm a helper, and my initial response to a request for assistance is to do it right away. That doesn't necessarily work well when I am already hip-high in other projects, but that is what my heart wants to do.
I'm a "doer" who aspires to learning how to find my rest in "being." These are some of the opportunities to do for others that are presented to me every day:
"Can you send me a copy of the latest bulletin?"
"I'm going to need a newsletter sent out this week."
"We are doing a special worship service on Friday and will need an extra Power Point presentation created."
"I need your help designing a workbook for a class we're teaching next month."
"Can you get that quarterly report ready for my board meeting tomorrow night?"
When choosing a name for this blog I tried over 25 blogspot addresses and found only a couple that were still available. There are a LOT of people out there with blogs about a LOT of different topics. When I visited the sites of several of my earlier choices I discovered that they had been inactive for years. But nonetheless, the names were taken. So when this address was available I was pretty encouraged. Right away I was excited about Write Away.
And I hope you will be, too. I want to start writing right away. I want to encourage you in your walk with the Lord (or toward the Lord if you feel you don't know Him very well yet). But this doesn't feel like a "to-do" thing to me. It feels more like an "I want to move closer to Him as I begin to Write Away" kind of a thing.
I'm a "doer" who aspires to learning how to find my rest in "being." These are some of the opportunities to do for others that are presented to me every day:
"Can you send me a copy of the latest bulletin?"
"I'm going to need a newsletter sent out this week."
"We are doing a special worship service on Friday and will need an extra Power Point presentation created."
"I need your help designing a workbook for a class we're teaching next month."
"Can you get that quarterly report ready for my board meeting tomorrow night?"
When choosing a name for this blog I tried over 25 blogspot addresses and found only a couple that were still available. There are a LOT of people out there with blogs about a LOT of different topics. When I visited the sites of several of my earlier choices I discovered that they had been inactive for years. But nonetheless, the names were taken. So when this address was available I was pretty encouraged. Right away I was excited about Write Away.
And I hope you will be, too. I want to start writing right away. I want to encourage you in your walk with the Lord (or toward the Lord if you feel you don't know Him very well yet). But this doesn't feel like a "to-do" thing to me. It feels more like an "I want to move closer to Him as I begin to Write Away" kind of a thing.
Photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash
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